Your planned gift to Writers Theatre safeguards the company’s world-class productions and impactful education and community programs for the future. With potential financial advantages to your estate, such a gift reflects your dedication to Writers Theatre for the generations, while avoiding possible tax liabilities for your family and other beneficiaries. Donations from your estate to Writers Theatre, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, are fully exempt from Federal Estate taxes.
Writers Theatre currently accepts three types of planned gifts: charitable bequests; IRA or Pension Plan Beneficiary Gifts; and outright gifts from your IRA today. A brief description of each type of gift is offered below.
Please note that this information is designed to provide general guidelines about planned giving to Writers Theatre, including some of the potential financial benefits. It is not intended to provide specific advice about the legal or tax implications of charitable giving. Please be sure to contact your financial or estate advisor for further information and advice to determine which planned gift is the best fit for you.
A bequest is a gift made through your will or living trust. There are several types of bequests you can designate to ensure that your gift will be made in a way that honors your legacy: you can stipulate a gift of a specific dollar amount, or property such as stock, to be donated to Writers Theatre; or you can select a percentage of the value of your estate to be given. Your intent to make such a bequest to Writers Theatre can be made clear in your will or living trust using simple yet explicit language, upon consultation with your attorney.
Consider naming Writers Theatre as a beneficiary of your IRA or pension plan. Retirement plans may be subject to estate taxes after death and income tax as the funds are received by a beneficiary, diminishing the ultimate value of the account. But by naming Writers Theatre, a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization, as a beneficiary, both of these taxes can be avoided, allowing you to leave your family other assets that incur less tax liability.
If you are 70 ½ years of age or older, you can make a tax-free gift from your IRA today! This generous, tax-wise gift will help you make the most of your legacy while supporting Writers Theatre now.
When you recognize Writers Theatre with a planned gift and share your plans with us, you become a member of Writers Theatre’s Quill Society, where you will enjoy preferred benefits now, and the knowledge that your gift will support the company’s mission in the future.
Your name will be listed as a distinguished member of the Quill Society in our publications such as production programs.
Quill Society members are invited to join us for special events such as opening nights and private Writers Theatre gatherings, including opportunities to meet and interact with Writers Theatre artists.
As a Quill Society member, you will also have access to our ticket concierge who will assist you with purchasing and exchanging your tickets.
If you are interested in making a Planned Gift to Writers Theatre,
and return it via:
Writers Theatre
Attn: Quill Society
321 Park Avenue
Glencoe, IL 60022
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