Writers Theatre Education creates residency programs working with young people in schools and community organizations to integrate literary and theatre arts, instill an appreciation of the arts and promote civic responsibility. WT Education currently offers:
Every year Writers Theatre welcomes students from across Chicagoland into the theatre to experience award-winning professional theatre.
A new Touring Outreach program is currently in development. WT’s former program, The MLK Project: The Fight for Civil Rights by Yolanda Androzzo, reached over 83,000 young people from 2007-2020.
WT Education also supports the Theatre’s Community Engagement programming.
"I continue to advocate for Writers Theatre's programs because of its positive impact to the children I work with and know that each time they come to Peirce only the best results are evident."
– Teacher, Peirce Elementary
Crown Family Philanthropies |
Noël Coward Foundation |
Dr. Scholl Foundation |
Seabury Foundation |
WT Education programs are aimed at exploring text, nurturing the creativity of young people and instilling appreciation of the arts for future generations. Through comprehensive programming in schools, on-site and through community-based initiatives, WT Education’s curriculum is designed to emphasize collaboration, cultivate self-expression, encourage imaginative inquiry and promote civic responsibility and social justice.
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